Handmade Bridal Bouquet – Rosalind


Have a look at our New bouquet range for the Bride! Rosalind is a faux bouquet of Peachy pink roses, green foliage, white/purple flowers and cream floral stems. The bouquet holder is wrapped in white coloured ribbon and tied with a bow. Rosalind also comes with a beautiful round silver locket that ties with a pale pink ribbon around the holder, just under the bow. A nice touch to the bouquet if you want to add a photograph of a loved one.

TIP: place the locket onto your photograph, trace around the locket shape. Cut out the photograph carefully. You will have to trim around the picture 1mm so it sits perfectly in the locket shape. For extra security, add tiny bit of double sided tape to keep photograph in place.

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Rosalind is a faux bouquet of Peachy pink roses, green foliage, white/purple flowers and cream floral stems. The bouquet holder is wrapped in white coloured ribbon and tied with a bow. Rosalind also comes with a beautiful round silver locket that ties with a pale pink ribbon around the holder, just under the bow.

Bouquet flowers (faux):

Peachy pink roses, green white/purple flowers, cream floral stems, green foliage.

silk satin white ribbon

silver round locket



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